I had never had a fresh pecan before, but they were just lying on the ground for the taking. It was almost as if pecans grew on trees!

Many times would see cars pulled to the side of the road. People were crouched, filling bags with items picked from the ground. This time of year, pecans are falling from the trees in Mississippi and we joined the random assortment of people along the side of the road in picking up a couple pecans for ourselves.

Have you had a fresh pecan before? I hadn’t. I didn’t even properly appreciate the many hard layers around the flesh of the pecan. I think experience is the best teacher, though. We didn’t have a nut cracker. We didn’t have a hammer. We really didn’t have much in the way of tools for smashing things. It’s not our scene. So we squeezed the pecans with all our might. We picked at the shells with our finger nails. And, eventually, we had the nut. Maybe the struggle makes it better? I dunno. I think I’d appreciate fresh pecans even without the aggravated carpal tunnel.

I had never had a fresh pecan before, but they were just lying on the ground for the taking. It was almost as if pecans grew on trees!
Pecans were scattered across the ground. The challenge was spotting them among all the fallen leaves. Better yet, the challenge was finding a pecan that wasn’t already rotten or eaten.
I had never had a fresh pecan before, but they were just lying on the ground for the taking.  It was almost as if pecans grew on trees!
Foraging for pecans.

I had never had a fresh pecan before, but they were just lying on the ground for the taking. It was almost as if pecans grew on trees!
Breaking apart a fresh pecan spotted on the ground.

Lexi lives in a truck camper down by the river.

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