Closed For Gusts, Open For Blizzards, A Scenic Detour Through Nevada
We had a simple and scenic plan when leaving the Alabama Hills. We would trace the eastern Sierras up to Lake Tahoe and then cross over to the Western Sierras where friends were ready to great us upon our arrival. However, before we could even reach Bishop, highway patrol waved us over. There were extreme gusts along our route, we had to take a scenic detour through Nevada.

I don’t know if the highway patrol man even knew what the gusts were like where he directed us. I have a hard time believing that the weather was more sever than the snow storm that he routed us into. Fierce wind, slick roads, low visibility, and an extended route. We thought we would take our time and make a few stops on our way north. Now, it was a mad dash to reach our destination for dinner. It wound up being a very late dinner.