Back in Texas, we finally saw the sun and were treated to blue skies. Up until this point, we had traveled under constant cloud cover. At the beginning, I loved the moody atmosphere set by the clouds. But, after enough shots were abandoned due to the lack of any color at all, I was ready for some brilliant blue to set off my shots.
Along with bluer skies, we enjoyed a lightening of the bitter cold. Who am I to call Mississippi cold when there are snow storms in Michigan? I’m a truck camper, that’s who. I am a person who looks at wind shield reflectors and thinks: hey, that could also insulate the windows! I am a person who stuffs up drafty gaps with socks. I’m a person who relies on a layer of fiberglass to divide me from the freezing cold outside. I’m a person who sleeps under a down comforter and a sleeping bag with tomorrow’s cloths wedged in between so that they will be the one thing that isn’t freezing next morning when I get dressed. And all this only works if I stay in temperature zones above 20 degrees Fahrenheit. One day, I may have cold weather camping gear. But, until then: “hello, New Mexico!”