Bridgford BBQ Beef Camp Sandwich
Whether the Bridgford BBQ Beef Camp Sandwich is a terror of Lovecraftian proportions or just bland is a matter of great dispute at our table. Certainly, the “bread” is flavorless, dry, grainy, and strangely salty. It had the texture of mildly stale bread and the flavor of saltine crackers. What pittance of meat there was was cut with an aggressively sweet bbq sauce.
To be clear: we did finish the sandwiches. We couldn’t heat any water to cook one of our freeze dried meals and it was too late and too far to get a cooked meal. We weren’t so repulsed as to go to bed hungry. So, in the loosest of definitions, the “sandwich” did fill its role.
We get that this product is filling a difficult niche: a no-cook, no-chill, ready-to-eat meal. But I think I’ll stick with beef jerky and crackers in the future. There will be more meat and not pretense of being anything other than it is.