We Interrupt This Program For Work
I have fallen so far behind in recording our travels. We still have yet to master working from the road. After a day of activities, we’ll roll into our camping spot, full of ambition and drive. But as soon as I crawl into our DIY camper, sleep envelops me as surely and completely as the blankets, clothes, and any insulation I can pile on top of myself to combat the spiteful cold outside. It doesn’t matter that I should have another three good hours of coherence ahead of me. I’m out.
We can make terrible guests. We’ll gain entry with promises of adventurous tales that collapse under the workload which accrued while we were on the road. When we finally arrived at our friend’s place for the holidays, it was only the season’s cheer that kept us away from our computers. We’ll probably work straight through New Years’. We will usher in 2017 much like we did for 2016: basking in the glow of our terminal window.
Obviously, we enjoy a luxuriously active life. It would be offensively self-indulgent to act like our time spent working is particularly burdensome. People have worked themselves to pieces for much less. But as a bit of real talk: bills need to be paid. We didn’t start this journey expecting to be crowdfunded or supported by sponsors. Such money is both rare and fickle. Instead, this is our own gambit: starting a business from the road. And as soon as we get a few more releases out, I swear I’ll find the time to upload some more pictures accompanied by commentary dryer than the red we drank last night.
Valerie - Mom is Such a Nerd
I know the feeling! As soon as I’m done putting the kids to bed, even though I know I should be working, I succumb to sleep. Then end up working the next 3 days straight – or some crazy nonsense like that. But I just want to say that your site is amazing, your map is super cool, and I am whole heartedly looking forward to more posts from you! Thanks for finding me on twitter. Your site is just what I needed right now!
Lexi Goforth
Thanks Valerie! Even nomads need to find their work/life balance. Glad we connected. I’ve got tons of stories in the works. 🙂