No, not that Stonehenge, the other one. The one along the Washington-Oregon border that some road baron built along with his utopian society. Samuel Hill had dreams of creating an ideal quaker community. Instead, his home is now an art museum and he is, possibly best known for his concrete reproduction of Stonehenge. The Maryhill Stonehenge happens to hold the distinction of being the first WWI memorial in the United States built to honor the dead. It may have helped that it was built before the war was even over. At the time, scholars considered Stonehenge to be a place of human sacrifice. As a Quaker, Hill considered building his Stonehenge as a reminder that people were still being sacrificed to the god of war.
Today, it serves as more of an oddity. We wandered in on a brilliant Spring afternoon. The sun was high, flowers were blooming, and a party was enjoying a picnic on what Hill would have considered to be a sacrificial alter. For us, it was an interesting photo shoot.