It is the end of our group travels. Half the team takes off for the States today. Cowboy and I remain for only last week. This time, we hop on a plane back to the North Island, to Karekare and the Bay of Islands.
Planning our next week on the high seas!
Our remaining traveling companions are concerned, New Zealand sailing is rather limited. For the sailors out there: there are no thermals or trade winds. You know what there also aren’t, at the moment? Waves! Once we have provisioned, boarded, and motored out of the harbor, we wind out into placid open ocean. I don’t think I’ve ever had it so calm. Yes, we will be motoring a lot more than we had intended but we will also sleep so well!
Today, we start simple by calling it an early night, anchored off of Motuarohia Island. It is described by Kim, the friendly owners of Fair Winds Yacht Rental—as the picture postcard island. A view from the bow easily explains why. Tomorrow, we’ll voyage out and explore.