While we were on the other side of the bay, another box on my “to do” list was to hike Mount Tamalpais. The mountain towers over the bay with breathtaking panoramic views. Tamalpais towers 2,576 ft from sea level. It’s summit is part of Mount Tamalpais State Park.
All I knew was that I wanted to go to Mount Tamalpais. OK, yes, I know the locals call it “Mount Tam” but I don’t live here anymore so I’m not a local. And if you want to visit it—and you should visit it—then you should know its proper name. I entered said proper name into my phone, as we wandered around the mountain with very little direction. All I knew is that I wanted a breathtaking view.
We poked around different paths along the mountain until the sun hovered over the horizon and we knew it was time to settle in for the sunset. That is when we hit metaphorical pay dirt.