Montrose to Nucla, Colorado on the Rimrocker
Explore the Rimrocker Trail off-road route from Montrose to Nucla, Colorado: an easy overland stretch of forested dirt logging road
Nucla, Colorado to the Utah Border on the Rimrocker
Travel from Nucla, Colorado to the Utah border on the Rimrocker off-road and OHV trail. This overlanding route features
Looking Back on the Rimrocker
The Rimrocker Trail is an off-road and OHV route from Montrose, Colorado to Moab, Utah. The trail traverses terrain from
Utah Border to Moab on the Rimrocker
Dive into the roughest stretch of the Rimrocker Trail from the Utah border to Moab, Utah: full of encroaching scrub-brush,
Rimrocker Trail
The Rimrocker Trail is an off-road and OHV route from Montrose, Colorado to Moab, Utah. The trail traverses terrain from
Iron Spring Campground
Among the pines and aspen trees, off a bustling gravel forest road, on the far outskirts of Montrose, Colorado, and